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Planning a get-together? These recipes are quick, simple, and guaranteed to impress. Appetizer Recipe #1 Appetizer Recipe #2 Appetizer Recipe #3 Appetizer Recipe #4 Appetizer Recipe #5 Appetizer Recipe #6 Appetizer Recipe #7 Appetizer Recipe #8 Appetizer Recipe #9 Appetizer Recipe #10 #10 is a never fail recipe everyone will love :-) Enjoy! Cheers, Kim

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Issue #1 Portfolio updates After the last rebalancing cycle caused no changes in the portfolio, there are some additions and exits this month. New additions to the Syntelligence portfolio include: PDF Solutions Inc: A leading provider of software and data analytics solutions in the semiconductor manufacturing space. Basically a manufacturer of shovels for the chip or AI gold rush. PDFS sales have been growing by around 30% annually since 2021 and the US small cap will achieve a clearly...

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Issue #1 Investor Update Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus in aliquet velit. Vivamus turpis orci, auctor quis pellentesque id, consequat vel nulla. Suspendisse eget sodales elit. Suspendisse potenti. Integer tincidunt orci eros, in malesuada dolor imperdiet nec. Vivamus ligula neque, lobortis sed neque eget, ornare suscipit urna. Aenean varius sit amet metus in aliquet. Vestibulum sit amet sagittis magna. Proin nec diam lectus. Aliquam et vehicula metus. Duis...

changing my subject line.

August 2023 Investor Update Nach zwischenzeitlichen Kursrückgängen im Monatsverlauf konnten sich die breiten Märkte in der letzten Augustwoche wieder erholen. Das Selbe gilt für den Syntelligence Growth Fund, der den Monat mit einem Fondspreis von 107,72 € abschließt (Stand 30.08.23, 8 Uhr. Anteilsklasse P(a)). Der Durchschnitt vergleichbarer Aktienfonds hingegen notiert auch am Monatsende noch mehr als 1% unter dem Kurs des Monatsanfangs (FWW Sektordurchschnitt Aktienfonds All Cap Welt). Die...

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HEY FAM! Just wanted to let you know that I have a Soundcloud account. Check it out now and Jam with me! Follow me there is you like what you hear! cheers!Click below:
